
Wednesday 8 December 2010

Multi role of a therapist

The Therapist is a weaver

Therapists in one changes clothes. And this is important. The simple act of changing clothes makes us change the atmosphere, climate, and this changes our mind. Even today, in Japan, when an entrepreneur goes home he can leave his suit and tie and put a traditional kimono. Change of clothes is changing state of consciousness. While the suit does not make the man, and as they say on Mount Athos, "if it takes five minutes to change clothes, it takes a lifetime to change the heart." We agree. But the habit can sometimes help the monk. Change toiletries, clothing can help a transformation within us. Therapists provide some concrete details. They mention the importance of the linen, the loose-fitting clothing so that we can breathe.

The therapist takes care of the gods

Taking care of the gods is to take care of the great images that haunt us, take care of archetypes. What is our image of man? What is our image of women? What is our image of health, our image of holiness? For each god was an ancient state of consciousness. The gods were ways to externalize, to symbolize the levels of being that we had to go inside you. So take care of the gods, be attentive to these images that guide us, who visit us in our dreams, these images of perfection, these images that inspire us.

The gods are the values that will guide our desire. Disease for Therapists is that man has lost the right orientation of his desire. Being sick is to be next to his true desire, and health is to be close to his innermost desire, the more essential. It is not obvious to discover our true desire, the desire to de-identify our environment, our father, our mother, all those who have marked and still mark our existence. What I really want? What I really want? If you can answer this question we will not take so bad. We go to the Therapists desire to stop the desire of others to get out of the desires of the environment that manipulates the desires in our unconscious act for us, so we imbalance makes us more or less schizophrenic, c that is to say separates us from our being and our essential desire. Among Therapists we are offered a place, a space where you can ask the question: "What I really want, what are the values that guide my life?”

The therapist watches over his emotions

It ensures, literally, it’s pathetic that will give the French word "pathology" and in the Christian tradition the word "passion". It is a process where it is to observe the passions, emotions, impulses which we live. Not to destroy them, not deny them, but first to observe and to de-identify it. There may be anger in us, but we're not that angry. There may be jealousy, but we do not have this jealousy. We observe the emotions, impulses, passions that drive us and that can come from past events that are projected onto the present, and be free of these feelings, these urges, these passions. Therapists call this the "care ethics". Caring for his ethics is caring for his freedom, take care of what in us is free from emotions and passions - that is to say take care of his Being. It's taking care of freedom that is in us, freedom that cannot also believes more so, so it is conditioned by our past, our memories, our environment and the society in which we are. It's taking care of what in us is unconditional. It is from this freedom that healing will perhaps be able to operate.

So the therapist takes care of desire, values that guide the desire, knowing that the discomfort, suffering from what is coming off of his desire, cut off from his essential being. The misfortune is to have lost that space of silence and freedom within oneself.

Perhaps we live in space-time not only to "make" to produce, to act, but also to become aware of this interior space and freedom. For we know that there is a way out of "being for death". Therapists say that a body is healing well, but it heals a mortal body, that death has the last word. Heal a psyche; restore order in my desire, my ideas, my emotions, that's fine, but the psyche, like everything that is made will be broken. It is called a living or longer. Maybe he will to survive in intermediate worlds, but even there it's always in the world of time, not yet in the world of eternity. At the heart of this "being toward death" that we must find that there also be in us which is not death, a being who is "no time", "non- Space, the Uncreated. And there he is loved-loved the true identity of being human.

The therapist knows pray

Praying is not reciting prayers. To pray is to find the posture, the attitude by which one is connected to the source of our being. It is the etymology of the word religion: religare be connected. Be connected to Source, the very principle of our being. The therapist will be attentive to the breath that animates the body and the source of the blast. Connected to this source of life, resonates with the principle of his being, he will be able to draw power even of life on the person they are accompanying.

The therapist is the one who invokes the name. In the tradition of the Semitic name is not just a word. Say the name of God on someone's names "He who is" it's called Energy, a welcome presence.

The therapist is not the one who recites prayers, but one that in a certain attitude and with his whole being upon the name. He calls this energy so that it acts from within the person accompanies. For the ancients cannot be a therapist if you do not know to pray.

The therapist is not "neutral", it also has an unconscious - his energy is going to connect without knowing the person they are accompanying. Hence the importance of prayer. Will he send the person will not be just a state of his ego, his ego, his ego therapist, but it will be something deeper if it is centered in the Self. It is the Self will act upon it. We can say that there is a transfer of energy or a transfusion of serenity. This is not the calm serenity of the psychological therapist, but the serenity of Being in which the therapist is supposed to take place at the time of prayer. There is a communication of energy that can operate. It is an art, and is part of the art therapist. The important thing about him is his way not only to listen, interpret the symptoms; it is his quality of being. Healing is being to be. "From my heart to your heart" says other traditions.

If what we desire, desire to find his most essential, most intimate is important, there is also a desire that no man can fill something desirable. Healing in this way - if one can speak of healing - is to assume the lack of accepting that there is in us a desire that will never be filled. He is in us a desire for infinity that is for infinity. And we must stop asking for the infinite finite beings, stop asking this man, this woman to be everything, because they are not everything. Being an adult is to assume the missing. Not seek to fill, but that if the height is likely to be in an illusion, and later suffer from bitterness and disappointment when we discovered the illusion.

When you go see a therapist today, one wonders if he takes care of Alexandria as those of desire, images of being. We know of therapists who take care of our bodies, our psyche, to be attentive to our desire, and who may be in an attitude of attention with respect to our inner quest. But it's rare to find in one place, one structure, therapists who take care of all these dimensions. It is rare to find a place where the organization of the days, the organization of buildings etc.. Are designed to be taken into account all components of being.

With Therapists Alexandria we are witnessing an extremely rich anthropology. The human being is not only a body, not just a psychic, but also a spiritual being, a desire for something other than what must die, and the therapist should take care of all at the same time, otherwise it does not cure man in his entirety.

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