The therapist also takes care of the Being within us, that is to say that in us is not sick. It's an interesting point. Care for someone not only take care of his illness, but also take care of his health, which is fine in him. Because it is based on what goes well he will be able to heal. Caring Being, the divine in us, will perhaps restore the balance in the body of tune, messy, which lost its axis and its deep roots.
The therapist takes care of health. Only what is healthy we can heal us. In total there be an oasis, a place of peace, silence and serenity. It is from this spiritual dimension of human being deeper than its psychological dimension and body more or less disturbed, that former Therapists 'operator', to bring in this body and the mind an echo of this " unconditional peace "- a sign of serene presence.
- Excerpt from the book "Pathways" published in Land of the Sky (97).
The drop is moving from a state of communion to a state of consumption. We no longer communicate with Being through beings, but beings consume, we consume things, we eat food.
At the heart of this "being toward death" that we must discover it is also within us to be not for death, a being who is "no time", "non- space, "the Uncreated.
Praying is not reciting prayers. To pray is to find the posture, the attitude by which one is connected to the source of our being.
Be a philosopher is to reduce the gap between my word and my life, between my thoughts and my words between my being and my act. This transparency is a work of every moment.
Caring Being, the divine in us, will perhaps restore the balance in the body of tune, messy, which lost its axis and its deep roots.
Jean-Yves Leloup is a doctor of philosophy, theology and psychology and orthodox priest. Writer, he is the author of numerous books, including The absurd and grace (autobiography), Writings on Hesychasm, Lyrics of Mount Athos, lack fullness and, Deserts, The Gospel of Mary, (Albin Michel). He regularly leads workshops with Earth from Heaven.
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