Making of macerate carrot essential oil - Dream Health

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Sunday, 3 April 2011

Making of macerate carrot essential oil

Carrot Oil, very rich in vitamin A, promotes tanning and tanned skin. It is also recommended as an oil after sun to promote regeneration of the skin, soften skin and maintain a nice even tan. At the end of winter, it will give a nice tan to your skin!

Do it yourself! Use sliced ​​carrots, and if you have time, prefer a cold maceration, which is longer but the end result will also be better.

You can, among other things, use your macerate carrot ointment or salve, much more convenient!

The recipe is very simple: Melt 1 teaspoon beeswax granules in a water bath with 20ml of your macerate carrot, when the pellets will melt, pour the mixture into a glass jar. It will then harden and turn into a balm.

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