The carrot, a plant widely used in aromatherapy - Dream Health

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The carrot, a plant widely used in aromatherapy

Scientifically, the core is known as Daucus Carotta. It is classified in the family apiaciés or Umbelliferae. Originally from Afghanistan, there she is adorned with purple, red, black or pale yellow. This plant can reach 30 cm. The carrot is one of the most common vegetables and consumed more. Her thick fleshy root and may also serve as a basis to prepare many dishes in the kitchen. Carrots can be roasted in a wok, and keep the best braised minerals steamed. Of course, the carrot is best eaten raw and should not be peeled, because all the vitamins are found in the skin.

Moreover, the core is known to be a source of beta-carotene for the body that will transform provitamin A. That's why this vegetable is very popular in the field of herbal medicine and aromatherapy in particular. Beta-carotene is a real beauty vitamin for the skin while it colors slightly to offer her good looks. It is particularly suitable for oily skin, more favorable to infections and acne. In addition, it protects it from ultraviolet tanning while facilitating skin clear and reducing the risk of sun allergies.

The essential oil of carrot and its virtues Health

Obtained by distillation of the seeds of the carrot, the essential oil of the core is known as the Scientific daumus carota. She has a sweet and spicy, and its color varies from orange to brown. Among its major active components include the carotol, beta farnesene, beta-bisabolene, alpha-pinene, limonene, and the Mycenae. This species is a component of many cosmetics, especially in tanning. It is draining and detoxifying and is effective against cellulite and water retention. The essential oil of carrot is indicated to treat hypertension and effectively fight against bad cholesterol.

Applied to the skin, the essential oil of carrot should be mixed with equal amount of other vegetable oils such as lavender or rosewood. To treat acne, it must then bring the mixture to a half dose of immortal, a double dose of tea tree and 15 others Transcutol. Then apply this mixture by making point by point, and this because of two times per day until the buttons disappear. Vitamin beta-carotene also prevents skin aging and treat dry skin. So it retains all its properties, it is best to keep this species in a dry place away from light.

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