Yoga and Acceptance - Dream Health

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Yoga and Acceptance

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems!
"Living is not waiting for the storms pass, but learning to dance in the rain."

I received this quote from an unknown author today after a photo montage. I find it very special occasion because the weather here is not the most lenient to one summer and we have a lot of rain, thunderstorms and cool temperatures! To listen and read reviews of each other here and there, all seem to complain ... except me!

No rain, no heat wave, no storm can disrupt a mind alert and awake. These are many things we don 'have no control. Learn to let go! The only things we have power that is within our state! Then contemplate the rain like the sun ... our mood is a reflection of our spirit, our heart, our soul and weather or change anything! Phew, we said it ... We are conditioned by temperature, seasons or their changes. Now the "habits" are collapsing and our whole world is confused. Now there's nothing else to do but to accept what we cannot change!

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed that I find the people, place, situation or facts of life unacceptable. Yet I can find no serenity until I accept these people, this place, this or this fact of life, as exact as it MUST be right now. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in this world by mistake.
Instead of focusing on what should be changed in this world, I must concentrate what I need to change in myself and in my attitudes.

So I accept my turn to be disturbed by the fact that most people around me complain about our gloomy summer, for me, because if it did not have much influence on my mood, my projects my or my business trips I take it that this is not the case for everyone!

"If there is a problem, there is a solution," said another Hindu proverb. Whenever we have a problem, we must correct the cause and the problem disappears.

If you feel sad because of this "lack of sun", the causes are the moody, negative, pessimistic or even depressed.. And not our dear solar star in person! Here are a few asanas and pranayama exercises recommended in these circumstances: NADH Sodhani (alternate breathing) Trikonasana (triangle), Torsion Assisi Sarvangasana (the candle), Halasana (the Plough) and of course Savasana (relaxation posture complete) ...

If you need to review these positions, I give you back the link to the photo montage of 5 min. made recently. Erasing and erasing the negative states of consciousness, through our consistent states of consciousness through positive and constructive mental attitudes and regularly practicing asanas and pranayama and we will be guided to become more aware in order to eliminate us by own these various little problems.

"The difficulty is not to understand the new ideas but in escaping old ideas." John Maynard Keynes. And the last to finish ( I love the quotes): "A cloudy day can do nothing against a brilliant temperament." William Arthur Ward

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