
Monday 9 May 2011

Yoga and walking

When you practice yoga on a regular basis, you quickly realize that slowly penetrates every sphere of our lives, for our greater good elsewhere.
Walking is a source of health and energy and for me the fall is one of the best seasons to indulge in this kind of exercise. Because of the colors of leaves and fresh air, I find this season very invigorating and energizing, even if in anticipation of the snow (of course, in Canada we have plenty), it puts nature gradually dormant until spring.
That, at little expense, the opportunity to sunbathe and to capture the beneficial energy. The daily walk is a great asset to our overall health. It is even necessary in cold weather in winter, make the effort to go out every day. Whether you're in town or in a more rural town, there are always beautiful golf courses which can be discovered close to home.
Walking helps burn off some energy, to rid the body of its waste, renewing cells throughout the body. Energy redoubles every week. Pregnant women or new mothers and those recuperating have every incentive to walk at their own pace daily to maintain or regain energy and good health.
Walking develops a taste for action. That zest for life, health and energy that became possible with her. Try to stay absorbed in what the senses perceive and unified with each element as an indivisible whole, unified creation. You can argue for example, "walking, everything is better, well-being settles in me."
Maintain positive thoughts and confidence. Another example: "walk, I leave behind me the amount of fatigue, stress, insecurity, worry, etc...”
Admire and contemplate nature. Try to feel and capture the prana (vital energy in the broad sense) through the ubiquitous nose and skin, for example, two major pranic sensors. With a little practice, you feel as you move on.
To keep a better balance, it is better to have nothing in their hands, keeping them open slightly forward to fully capture the energy. This simple gesture with open hands also helps straighten your back, open the chest, and so breathe easier.
Regularity in daily walking and made it longer also provides endurance and perseverance in everything we undertake.
Of course if you feel like it, you can take time out to practice some yoga postures. When I walk, my favorites are the tree, of course, and the warrior.

1 comment:

  1. HI... Very impressive article...brisk walking is realy great.. i always feel so relived and enjoy the fresh air... that drives positiveness and great energy in me... realy nice post


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