Nearly 3,000-year history of yoga has developed an almost immeasurable diversity of forms of exercise. Today, most notably the physical exercises (asanas), the breathing practice (pranayama) and meditation of hatha yoga. But the yoga of action '(karma yoga), the yoga philosophy' (gnana Yoga) and the yoga of devotion '(bhakti yoga), as described in the Bhagavad Gita, one of the great classical paths of yoga. From these traditional ways is countless yoga styles have developed that is shaping the landscape of today's yoga. What's this variety of exercise forms the fundamental principle of connecting everything?
The special feature of all yoga practices is set out in the basic principles of yoga analyzed Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with great clarity. Patanjali speaks of the coming together of active exercise (abhyasa) on one side and passive release (vairagya) on the other side. This sounds contradictory. How could one be both active and passive? If this was so easy, but you'd need not take long and persevering practice yoga. In the beginning, especially the practice is too important to be active to begin with practice and they also stay the course.
At the beginning of the practice is strenuous. Then it is to cultivate the release: dissociation from making, letting go in practice. Yoga is really only if it is possible to realize both aspects of practice and letting go simultaneously. The exercise is focused and concentrated awareness in this calm and relaxed. Practice and detachment come together, if the practitioner makes less and wear more and more leaves. In the compound of abhyasa vairagya and awakens the experience of power in the facility, we practice and experience to the practice that we are supported by a larger energy. This force is now in the ease in the body, breath, being experienced in the mind but also in everyday actions.
To get there is the magic means: repetition. With yoga, it's like brushing your teeth. It helps little if it does not regularly. The regular repetition of the yoga practice has the ideal way to reach deeper into the awareness and to preclude the power of focused calm.
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