Hawthorn harvest - Dream Health

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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Hawthorn harvest

The berries are harvested in the fall and can be dried like flowers. The tea is prepared at 15 g per liter of water. It takes two to three cups a day. For external use, boil 20 g of flowers or berries in a pint of water. Can be used directly from the decoction to wash the face or to incorporate it into a cosmetic cream.

These are the species C. oxyacantha (modern name: C. laevigata), C. monogyna and, to a lesser extent, C. pentagyna, all of European origin, who were the subject of scientific studies. However, it is believed that all species could exert therapeutic activity in that all contain flavonoids probably active we isolated in the species studied, although possibly in proportions that may vary greatly from case to case.

Many species have a very restricted distribution, while others are spread throughout Quebec. There are occasionally some specimens of C. laevigata and C. monogyna, who escaped from cultivation.

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