Common Treatment with Yoga - Dream Health

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Common Treatment with Yoga

While yoga is commonly used in India as an intervention in support of detoxication treatments, few clinical trials have been conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness in this area. In a randomized trial conducted among 61 drug addicts treated with methadone (synthetic morphine substitute) and comparing the effects of yoga with those of a traditional group psychotherapy, it was observed that both interventions were equally effective the other to reduce the consumption of drogues92.

Uncertain effectiveness reduce the frequency of seizures. One well-controlled clinical trial examining the effects of yoga on the frequency of seizures was published. The results of this study with placebo (simulated yoga) and control group (without treatment) from 32 individuals indicate that subjects who practiced the true yoga had a significantly fewer crises than others. However, the small number of subjects in each of the three groups impossible to draw clear conclusions about the effectiveness of this therapeutic intervention.

Uncertain effectiveness relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. A small randomized controlled trial was conducted among 22 men with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea predominance. The results show that the practice of yogic exercises would be as if not more effective than standard treatment for loperamide
(antidiarrheal synthesis) to relieve some symptoms of this affection.

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