Cornflower - it treat's what? - Dream Health

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Friday, 16 September 2011

Cornflower - it treat's what?

This is the European species, Vaccinium myrtillus, the huckleberry, which has been studied and used in medicine, but as the active ingredients are essentially a pigment and tannins, and our species are well equipped as the one as the other, there is no reason why they do not have the same properties. Sisters of Providence also write in their Materia Medica: "We think the huckleberry is just the same with little fruit so well known to children as the" miners "that found in our woods. "

As the berries that the leaves were used, but their properties differ significantly. Thus, only the berries are antidiarrheals. In Sweden, prepares a soup traditionally designed to combat diarrhea. But it's the brew that most often prescribed for this purpose. She is preparing for 3 c. tablespoons of dried blueberries in half-liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and filter. Take several glasses a day. According to Dr. Fritz Weiss, blueberry juice mixture and cheese quark would be particularly effective against diarrhea summer, the acute attacks of diarrhea or dysentery. Avoid sweet juice.

Take care, eaten raw and fresh, in large quantities, blueberries has exactly the opposite effect, that is to say that it is a laxative!

To sweeten the pill for children, reduces the powdered dried blueberries, we pass it through a sieve and made into a concoction that will cook on low heat about 3 minutes. It seems they like.

Because of its astringent decoction of blueberries is also useful in inflammations of the oral cavity. It is used in mouthwash.

According to Dr. Jean Valnet, the leaf, like the Bay also is one of the strongest anticolibacillaires currently known, which was confirmed recently when it was discovered that she was just as capable as the cranberry treat cystitis caused by the accidental presence of E. coli in the urinary tract, especially in the early stages of infection as well as prevention in people with recurrent cystitis.

It would also be useful for women with menstrual cramps, a pigment having a relaxing effect on smooth muscle.

Blueberries may also prevent macular degeneration, a condition that affects 10 million Americans over the age of 50 years, and can lead to blindness. Moreover, it is given long had the power to improve eyesight, especially night vision and night.

The sheet is considered to have some anti-diabetic activity although the latter is relatively small and does not allow to dispense with insulin or other medications usually prescribed for this purpose. It would, however, to mitigate the problems that accompany this disease, including retinitis and angiopathies. It would also increase the resistance of capillaries. Atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders (hypertension, coronary heart disease and capillary fragility) respond well to treatment. It is taken in decoction for 40 g of leaves per liter of water. Boiled 5 minutes and steep for 10 minutes. It can take up to one liter per day. The dye is taken as 50 to 100 drops, 3 times a day.

We have also used the root decoction with 15 g to 20 g per liter of water as a compress on wounds to clean them up and heal.

It will dry the blueberries in the sun or in rain, in the oven or a dehydrator. By cons, leaves and roots are dried in the shade, as it should.


  1. wow..where do u find all these...
    its so informative...will hav to follow ur blog to go thr all the medicinal values.chhheeeers!!!

