
Saturday 14 January 2012

Bad breathing habits to hunt

Take a deep breath, because there is something you must hear: it is quite possible that you breathe wrong. Yes! A gesture that we practice on average 20 000 times a day and you are doing may be wrong! Check: Are you trying to hold your breath right now?

Taking into account that we breathe from birth, one would think that has become expert in the field. When we know that breathing is essential for filtering germs and debris, to bring fresh oxygen to our organs and tissues, to remove gases that our body does not need, you might think that s The position would be a little concerned. Yet most people do give very little importance.

Poor breathing habits can literally make you sick. They can cause your body to access the oxygen it needs and can make you vulnerable to disease and stress.

Slow breathing, common in the practice of yoga has been shown to reduce breathlessness, increased oxygen saturation of blood and improves exercise capacity. Meditation, which focuses on breathing thoughtful, has also been associated with decreased stress, reduced risk of certain cardiovascular diseases and increased cure rates.

Among the bad habits end up breathing the act of breathing through the mouth and breathing too fast or too superficially.
Your nose knows

Ah, the poor nose ... It is given little respect, yet it is so essential to healthy breathing. The nose filters germs and particles in the air and moistens and warms the air before it directly into our lungs. When you bypass your nose, breathing through the mouth, you invite all these germs and particles to enter directly into your system and you increase your risk of infection while slowing down your intake of oxygen. When possible, inhale and exhale through your nose, consider that it is the security fence that separates you from the outside world. If you have a stuffy nose problem that prevents you from breathing through your nose, check with your doctor about treatment options.

Breathing through the belly

Many of us do not take advantage of our wonderful diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle just below the lungs that can be very powerful and just waiting for you ask him to help you inhale and exhale. When you inhale, your diaphragm tightens and flattens so that your lungs can take the whole place to capture the air. When you exhale, your diaphragm and your chest muscles relax and push the air out of lungs.

Some people also tend to breathe too shallowly and keep the air only in the upper chest without it descends to the diaphragm. Sometimes, they sometimes get their belly breathing, which has the effect of pushing up the diaphragm and thus prevent oxygen to reach as low as it should. If you let your belly relax instead of trying to go home, you breathe with your diaphragm.

There is no doubt that relearn something as instinctive as breathing takes discipline and concentration, but the benefits are certainly worth the effort. So, breathe slowly, deeply, let your lungs fill with lots of oxygen and you get the maximum benefit from each of the 20,000 breaths a day you do!


  1. happy weekend to you.. Supporting here..

  2. very informative...worth reading.

  3. Yes, correct breathing is important. Deep breathing can give relaxation without any cost.


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