To start - Dream Health

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Sunday, 24 June 2012

To start

If the bladder control (urinary incontinence) starts to become problematic because you leak urine, you're probably wondering what you should do. You might like to know if this is a phenomenon caused by advancing age, and you wonder about the cause of this problem, and what you can do to take charge. It must first rule out any preconceived ideas that bothers you: urinary incontinence is not part of the normal aging process. Incontinence is not a disease but a symptom of a medical condition.
 According to the cause bladder, incontinence can be either temporary (if it results from constipation or a urinary tract infection or use of certain drugs) or permanent (if it results from a bladder muscle hyperactive, a weak pelvic floor muscles, or a disease like multiple sclerosis or stroke). Learn more here about the causes of incontinence. First, your doctor can help you find the cause of your incontinence.

Secondly, it is possible to treat and effectively manage incontinence, and even cure in some cases. You can manage incontinence in several ways, including through the use of absorbent products, to behavioral treatments, to medical devices, drugs and surgical procedures. Often, people with incontinence use a combination of management techniques.

The use of absorbent products is a way to start managing your incontinence discreetly. Absorbent products such as protective cup-shaped, towels, underwear and undergarments were designed to allow entry and retain urine, and provide a physical barrier against leakage of urine. They manage to give you the feeling of security necessary to keep doing the things you love, to lead an active life and a vibrant social life. There are many products and you must consider many factors before you finally decide on one of them. For example, if you lead a busy life, you probably will not need the same absorbent material that the person has a sedentary lifestyle. Find out how to choose an absorbent material (for women) or here (for men). You might be also visit Depend ®  for more information on absorbent products and take advantage of coupons available to you.

Often, people with incontinence use a combination of management techniques. Furthermore the use of absorbent products, your doctor may recommend behavioral treatments. Among the methods that constitute them, that promotes weight loss, eating a proper amount of liquid, the elimination of specific foods and beverages, and practice Kegel exercises (physical exercises that strengthen the sphincter urinary and pelvic floor muscles). You could also try to use biofeedback, bladder retraining to a schedule or a toilet.

You could have used other methods of management even as medical devices, drugs and surgical solutions.

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