Urinary incontinence: Behavioral treatments - II - Dream Health

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Monday, 18 June 2012

Urinary incontinence: Behavioral treatments - II

Bladder training

This is an extremely useful technique that can help you regulate the frequency of your trips to the bathroom. It is used alone or in combination with other therapies. It is particularly useful in the treatment of urge incontinence, the incontinence and mixed incontinence.

In fact, after feeling the urge to urinate, you train to wait at least 10 minutes before going to the toilet. Over time, you can gradually increase this time so that a urinating every 2 hours or 4 hours.

Management of fluids and food

It would be in your best interest to reduce your intake of foods and beverages that irritate the bladder. You could, for example, start by limiting or eliminating caffeine, soda, alcohol, chocolate, and acidic foods like tomatoes or tomato juice and citrus. You should also avoid foods and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners and you will not eat very spicy dishes. If bedwetting, renounce drink shortly before bedtime and you could solve, or at least reduce your incontinence problem.

Management can use food as part of bladder training and other techniques. Be sure to keep an adequate supply of liquid - try to make water your beverage of choice.
Planning a schedule for toilet

This technique is particularly useful if you give care to someone with incontinence.

You have to set it when you urinate at a specific time rather than waiting for the urge to urinate occurs. Generally, the time to plan an emptying of the bladder every 2 hours or 4 hours. For starters, some people might go to the toilet every hour, then gradually increase this time interval until they could wait for 2:00 to 4:00.

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