5 myths about incontinence - Dream Health

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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

5 myths about incontinence

Myth: urinary incontinence is a natural part of aging.

Fact: It is estimated that incontinence is not one of the phenomena of the normal aging process. In Canada, it affects 3.3 million adult, 1 in 5 people over 65 years, up to 50% of women aged 45 and over, and about 16% of men over 40 years.

Myth: there is only one type of incontinence.

Fact: there are many types of incontinence. Most commonly observed types, such as stress incontinence, urge, and overflow and mixed. Encountered less frequently some other types, namely: functional incontinence, total incontinence, reflex incontinence and transient incontinence.

Myth: Incontinence is a private matter and I should not bother my doctor about it.

Fact: Your doctor is the ultimate person to whom you should talk incontinence. The training covers physician incontinence and, when he made the diagnosis of underlying disorder, it is able to advise you on appropriate treatment and management strategies.

Myth: surgical intervention is inevitable in incontinence.

Fact: surgery is not an inevitable treatment of incontinence. You can explore many treatment options before choosing surgery, but it is essential that the diagnosis is adequately established. The cause of your incontinence plays a role of major importance when it comes to determining what type of treatment you should receive.

Myth: Incontinence is a disease.

Fact: Incontinence is a condition, not a disease. It can be temporary or permanent, and it is symptomatic of a health problem underlying. When the formal diagnosis is made, you are able to process and manage your incontinence and perhaps even cure.

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