The facts about yeast infections in women - Dream Health

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Friday, 6 July 2012

The facts about yeast infections in women

You know everything there is to know about yeast infections, you can recognize them and support them? 

But when it comes to separate facts and ideas, you might be surprised. You will easily find a wealth of information, but they are not always valid. Are you ready to accept the truth?

Be the queen of hygiene

Are you regularly on the lookout for feminine hygiene products in stores? You may think you're doing everything you should to maintain cleanliness and health of your vagina. But if you're stocking up on products for vaginal washing and body odor sprays such as deodorants, think.

Marketing strategies such products often target women who want to stay fresh and clean. But it's a myth that you need these products for female practice good hygiene.

The truth about vaginal washings

Vaginal washing is to clean the vagina with water, vinegar or other rinse agents specialized. Many women have adopted this practice because they follow the example of their mother. But moms are not always right. Today, most experts advise against this kind of washes, because they can do more harm than good.

Vaginal washes disturb the delicate balance of bacteria and organisms that live in the vagina. Your vagina normally contains small amounts of yeast and some types of bacteria to the beneficial effect. But if washing destroys these bacteria, yeast can multiply rapidly in abundance. When this balance is disturbed, you may experience the symptoms of a yeast infection. So, please ... abandon the vaginal washing, unless of course that your doctor has recommended you!

Focusing on scented products

Products and feminine hygiene are often impregnated with perfumes, fragrances and dyes. Scented products abound, you can buy them as aerosols, toilet paper, tampons and sanitary towels, soaps, bubble baths, lotions, laundry detergents and fabric softeners. But the same chemicals that color and perfume products can also cause irritation in the vaginal area. And, if your skin is already inflamed, you may get a yeast infection.

So next time you make provisions, leave scented products on the shelf. Opt for unscented products; avoid bubble baths and strong soaps.

A self-cleaning device

Many women are surprised to learn that the vagina cleans itself. The reproductive system naturally secretes substances that help protect you from bacteria to the adverse effect. As you know, the better is the enemy of good, so it is best to let your vagina alone. Here are some additional tips on hygiene:

   - wash the outside of the vagina with a mild soap or even with pure water. That's all you need to do to be clean;
    - Always dry yourself completely after bathing, swimming or exercise;
    - wipe from front to back, not from back to front, after your needs;
    - let your vagina breathe! Avoid tight pants. Wear underwear made of cotton rather than nylon because the fiber tends to retain the moisture.

When you practice hygiene principles of first order, you make a step toward preventing a yeast infection. If you experience symptoms of a yeast infection, see your doctor.

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