The causes of yeast infections - Dream Health

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Saturday, 28 July 2012


The causes of yeast infections

Are you at risk of contracting a yeast infection? Since 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection during their lives, the answer is yes. Yeast infections are more common when a woman is in her twenties, thirties and forties.

How do you take out yeast infections?

Since yeast seat naturally in your body, a yeast infection does not "catch" not like a cold. Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance leading to disruption of normal tissue of the vagina, which occurs as follows:

  •     your vagina is normally the host of many healthy bacteria, and possibly to some yeasts;
  •     the increase in yeast is controlled by the healthy bacteria in your vagina. These bacteria create an acidic environment slightly unfavorable to the excessive reproduction of Candida. Yeasts usually cause problems until the balance is upset;
  •     yeast can proliferate and cause a yeast infection, if this balance is disturbed.

What upsets the balance?

  •     hormonal changes,
  •     drugs, particularly antibiotics,
  •     certain medical conditions,
  •     a weakened immune system.
This risk is watching me there?

Although any woman can contract a yeast infection, some women are at greater risk, particularly in the following circumstances:

  •     a high estrogen levels (eg due. to taking birth control pills or pregnancy),
  •     Diabetes,
  •     an immune system that does not work very well (eg. due to HIV / AIDS, cancer, or medication against cancer, or anti-rejection drugs after transplant),
  •     of poor hygiene practices (eg. wiping the back to front),
  •     taking certain medications (eg. steroids, some antibiotics),
  •     wearing tight clothes,
  •     the use of contraceptive sponges, diaphragms with spermicidal foam or IUD.
If any of these risk factors is present, discuss with your doctor or pharmacist about how you can reduce your risk of yeast infections. Please complete and print the questionnaire from our "Guide to the discussion with the doctor" and bring to your appointment with the doctor.

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