The symptoms of yeast infections - Dream Health

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Monday, 30 July 2012

The symptoms of yeast infections

You might have a yeast infection if you notice:
  •     itching, burning, or swelling in the vagina and the surrounding region,
  •     pain or discomfort in the vagina during intercourse,
  •     burning sensation when you urinate (pee),
  •     white discharge that often looks like cottage cheese (they could be thinner or absent).

But your symptoms may be misleading. Other conditions may cause similar symptoms, and some of them may be much more serious. If you do not know exactly if you have a yeast infection, or if this is your first infection, make an appointment with your physician for a diagnosis. Your doctor will ensure that these symptoms are not caused by another disorder, such as a sexually transmitted infection (STI formerly known STD or sexually transmitted disease) or other inflammatory disease or contact with an irritant.

It is estimated that 1 in 20 women suffering from recurrent yeast infections. In other words, at least four infections in the course of last year (or at least 3 yeast infections that did not occur while you were taking antibiotics). You should not ignore a recurring yeast infection - get it checked. Make an appointment with your doctor to help you discover why you have such frequent infections and suggests that a treatment plan.

Consult your doctor if fever, pelvic pain or discharge colored or smelly. Anyone aged under 12, pregnant, nursing, diabetes or a disease weakens the immune system should consult their doctor.

For a more detailed list of situations that would require a medical examination about your yeast infection, please go to "When should I see my doctor? ".

If this is not a yeast infection, what is it then?

More than half of women who think they have a yeast infection are actually suffering from something else. Other conditions, including some sexually transmitted infections (STIs, also known by the older term MTS), can cause similar symptoms. While yeast infections cause few long-term complications, STIs neglected can be a hazard and even lead to infertility and other serious complications.
How to ask your doctor does diagnose a yeast infection?

Your doctor will diagnose a yeast infection after you have asked about your symptoms and examining your vagina. In some cases, it takes a sample of your vaginal discharge. This sample is examined under a microscope and will possibly be a "culture" (laboratory technique for assessing bacterial or fungal).

What kinds of questions your doctor will let you ask? Your doctor may ask you if you have had yeast infections and what treatments you have taken. It may also ask you questions about when the symptoms appeared, the type of symptoms you are experiencing, as well as color, consistency and odor of vaginal discharge. The answers to these questions are of crucial importance in establishing a proper diagnosis.

Diagnosis is very important, it allows you to receive the treatment best suited to you and may heal as efficiently your yeast infection. Fill in the form of our "Guide to the Doctor Discussion" to prepare you for an appointment with your doctor.

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