Yeast infections - the facts - Dream Health

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Sunday, 8 July 2012


Yeast infections - the facts

What you eat?

You may think that the relationship between the top and bottom is not clear, but what you put in your mouth can sometimes affect the health of your vagina.

Yeast infections are caused by the overgrowth of yeast that normally lives in your body. So foods that influence your rates can help to prevent yeast - or even raise - a yeast infection.

In addition, other foods do not change. While it is easy to find arguments to conclude that legumes, cereals and dairy products can cause problems associated with yeast, what matters most is to sort the facts and eliminate ideas received. As you continue reading, you will consider these facts.

Sugary foods

These sweets which you feel the need, they are like super vitamins for yeast in your body. A diet which is high in sugar can promote yeast growth and lead to infection. That does not mean you have to totally abandon chocolate bars or soda. But limit your consumption.


The consumption of alcohol may make you run a greater risk of contracting a yeast infection. So if the symptoms of a yeast infection are a concern, consider limiting your cocktails.

A yeast free diet

Some women try to get the better of their yeast infections by eating only food without yeast. But before you turn away from the bread, you should know that researchers have not yet clearly established the benefits of diets free of yeast.


Yogurt is a food that can remove yeast and contribute to the prevention of a yeast infection. But read the label on the container of yogurt that you intend to buy. Choose a yogurt containing active Lactobacillus acidophilus. It's helpful bacteria which can exert a stabilizing effect on your rate of yeast. And do not forget to make sure you do not buy yogurt full of sugar - it should not contain more than 15 to 20 grams.

A healthy diet

A healthy diet, well balanced, high fiber food will help your body defend itself against all sorts of infections. Be sure to make choices in all food groups when you prepare your meals and snacks. If you have trouble eating well, consider taking a multivitamin. Talk to your doctor if you should.

If you experience symptoms of a yeast infection or if you want to know more about the relationship between diet and yeast infections, see your doctor.

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