Coconut Water A Good Energy Supplement - Dream Health

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Sunday, 23 June 2013

Coconut Water A Good Energy Supplement

Coconut water which is a natural isotonic beverage has the same level of electrolytic balance that we have in our blood. Coconut water is more nutritious than milk with no cholesterol and less fat. It is noted to be more sterile, since its water content, permeates through its filtering husk from the exterior. It is a universal donor and is identical to human blood plasma, is a naturally formed beverage and is biologically pure, with great amount of natural sugar, salt and vitamins which can do wonders, to ward off fatigue and is more of a natural energy drink. To gain maximum benefit from this beverage, it should be consumed while it is fresh. Exposure of this beverage to air may result in losing most of its organoloptic as well as its nutritional value and may tend to ferment. Many lives in the past especially soldiers have been saved through coconut water which was siphoned directly from the nut to give emergency plasma transfusion to wounded soldiers. The nutrient value of a 100 ml of this beverage contains 294 mg of potassium than most sport and energy drinks and less sodium of about 25 mg than a sport drink of 41 mg and energy drink of around 200 mg. Natural sugar contents in coconut water is around 5 mg while energy and sport drinks contents range between 10 to 25 mg of altered sugar. Coconut water is very high in chloride at 118 mg when compared to sports drink at around 39 mg. It is one of the most natural and suitable drinks with many benefits. With all the knowledge and awareness to the various advantages in consumption of naturally provided remedies we could take the opportunities of reforming our health as and when the need arises with the chance of a renewed life.

1 comment:

  1. I love coconut water a lot..Nice Info

