Cabbage is one of those universal well known leafy
vegetables which is highly nutritive and has the highest value when eaten
raw. It contains calcium, phosphorous,
Vitamin C, iron and small quantity of B complex and its green leaves are rich
in Vitamin A. Cabbage is an excellent muscle builder, eliminates the gaseous
toxin in the body and helps in cleaning of the bowels. Cooking the cabbage
loses its nutrients and if cooked for a longer time it tends to get harder and
difficult to digest. Those who do not relish a raw cabbage can par boil it so
that it gets soft and is pleasant to eat without losing its nutrient value.
Cabbage juice when mixed with equal quantity of carrot juice can act as a good
treatment for intestinal treatment of mucous membranes as well as for ulcers
when 250 grams of the mixed juice taken thrice a day for effective results. Cabbage
juice alone in large quantity should be avoided since it can cause goiter – thyroid
enlargement. Cabbage juice can be taken
accompanied with juices of carrots, beetroots, and cucumbers or even with
Cabbage come
from the Cruciferae family which contains many vegetables and is also called
the mustard family. It is said that the presence of the chemical –
isothiocyanates, which is found in cabbage can lower the risk of lung cancer in
smokers. Cabbage vitalizes the immune system, helps to maintain good skin texture
preventing wrinkles and premature ageing.
Besides this, if taken regularly, it helps in promoting healthy hair and
nails growth, is good for obesity as well as chronic skin disorders. Cabbage is
a low calorie vegetable and very rich in fiber. Know the nutrient value of this
leafy vegetable and include it in your every day diet and enjoy the benefits of
consuming it
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