It is usually caused from fungi or bacteria and if not treated could rapidly spread into the (sepsis) blood and to the other organs causing multiple organ failure and also resulting in death. Some of the symptoms like severe sudden abdominal pain that may gradually tend to get worse is a usual sign of potentially serious infection or illness and would need the immediate attention of prompt medical evaluation with treatment which can prevent further complication of the ailment.
Besides this, the person may also suffer from nausea, lack of appetite, high temperature of 38 degree C. or above, not passing of urine or less than normal.
Due to Fungal or Bacterial Infection
Peritonitis is the cause of bacterial or fungal infection which may either develop directly in the peritoneum or spread from another area of the body and most of the peritonitis cases are the outcome of infection or injury to another part of the body like a split stomach ulcer, digestive disorder like Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis, or a burst appendix.
The less common infections developed directly within the peritoneum could be due to cirrhosis, scarring of the liver which may be caused due to long term liver damage or peritoneal dialysis, a treatment used widely for people suffering from kidney failure.
Primary and Secondary Peritonitis
The early symptoms of peritonitis are poor appetite and nausea accompanied with a dull abdominal ache which may soon turn into persistent and severe abdominal pain that may get worse with any movement. It may also include other symptoms like Chills, Fever, fluid in the abdomen, having a bowel movement or the passing of gas, extreme thirst, besides abdominal pain and difficulty of passing of urine.
There are two main types of peritonitis one being primary spontaneous peritonitis, an infection which develops in the peritoneum which includes liver disease with cirrhosis which are often caused due to accumulation of abdominal fluid or as cites that can be infectious and kidney failure getting peritoneal dialysis which involves the catheter implanted into the peritoneum to remove waste products in the blood of people with kidney failure.
Secondary peritonitis usually develops when an injury of an infection occurs in the abdominal cavity enabling infection in the peritoneum and both of them are life threatening.
Serious Condition to be well treated
Peritonitis could be a serious condition if not treated in time and in order to prevent the possibility of fatal complications to occur immediate medical attention and treatments should be undertaken. The infection can be treated with injections of antibiotics or antifungal medication based on the seriousness of the infection. In other cases, possibility of surgery may also be needed in order to repair damage to the peritoneum or treatment for the cause of the infection.
This ailment could also be fatal inspite of the best efforts in treating it which could be due to the infection spreading through the blood stream to the major organs and though death are less common in the case of peritonitis connected to cirrhosis or kidney dialysis, it still remains a serious condition.
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