
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Thrombophilia – Abnormality of Blood Coagulation

Thrombophilia is an abnormality of blood coagulation, where the blood has the tendency to clot thus increasing the risk of thrombosis or blood clots in the blood vessels. Individuals with thrombophilia are more prone to develop a deep vein thrombosis – DVT, a blood clot in one of the large veins in the legs and it is important to be alert for signs of DVT and consult the physician when faced with signs of this ailment like pain, swelling and a heave ache in the leg.

Thrombophilia are of different types most of which are inherited where the most common type of inherited thrombophilia is Factor V Leiden. Often, when one tends to bleed when injured, it can cause a reaction of different chemicals or clotting factors in the blood where these chemicals could cause the blood clot which then sticks to the injured area of the vessel along with blood particles known as platelets.

The natural chemical in the blood tend to act against these chemicals and stops the blood from clotting. In the case of thrombophilia, there is an imbalance in this function and the person either has too much clotting factor or too little of the prevention of clotting substance.

Risk of Developing Deep Vein Thrombosis - DVT

Thrombophilia is often mild and many do not envisage any health issues and thrombophilia symptoms only surface if one has a blood clot. People with thrombophilia are at risk of developing DVT and the warning signs are pain, heavy ache in a leg with swelling.

At times a part of the blood clot can break off and tend to travel through the blood stream through the circulation and lodge in the lungs resulting in pulmonary embolism- PE is a serious as well as a life threatening condition since it can prevent blood from reaching your lungs.

Some of the signs of pulmonary embolism are shortness of breath or chest pain and a person having these symptoms should visit their physician at the earliest. Cases of thrombophilia which are inherited have a tendency to form blood clots which runs in the family, which is passed on from parent to the child.

Precautions Need to be Taken 

Thrombophilia is diagnosed by blood tests which are done weeks or months after the blood clot is formed where these test check for deficiencies in the body’s natural anticoagulants or anti-clotting chemicals. If the diagnosis indicates that the person has thrombophilia then they are referred to a haematologist who specialises in diagnosing and treating blood disorders.

Thrombophilia people do not always require treatment since it can be mild without any problem though treatment will be necessary if one develops a blood clot and to prevent any further clots to develop. The treatment carried out, interferes with the clotting process and is used to treat as well as prevent a DVT or PE.

Person suffering from thrombophilia should be aware of the symptoms of blood clots and take precautions like losing weigh if they are overweight, quit smoking, if a smoker, avoid being inactive for prolonged intervals since this could cause DVT and follow a balanced diet with regular exercises. Tour Dream Health to get to know more on health issues and enjoy a healthy life.

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