
Saturday 3 January 2015

Hay Fever

Hay Fever – Allergic Rhinitis 

Hay Fever is also known as allergic rhinitis and have symptoms of cold like itchy eyes, running nose, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure though unlike a cold, this ailment is not caused by a virus. It is caused due to an allergic response to airborne substances known as allergens, in indoor or outdoor atmosphere, like pollen, pet dander or dust mites.

In most of the cases, those who do not get affected with hay fever, these substances are not allergens since their immune system does not tend to react to them. Hay fever does not actually mean that the person is allergic to hay and has a fever and is hardly an allergen and does not cause fever. Hay fever could make one feel miserable and may affect the overall working system at work or school.

Symptoms of hay fever could begin at different intervals of time and could depend on what substance is person is allergic to. Should be person be allergic to common pollen and when the pollen count in the air is higher, the symptoms could be more severe. Some of the common symptoms could include – sneezing, watery eyes, itchy nose/throat and block nose.

Symptoms of Hay Fever 

Severe symptoms could include headaches, sweats, itchiness that spreads from the throat to the nose and ears and facial pain which could be due to blocked sinuses. At times hay fever symptoms could also lead to insomnia, tiredness and irritability. People who tend to suffer from asthma may find that when they suffer from hay fever symptoms, their wheezing as well as their episodes of breathlessness becomes more severe.

In some cases, people only have asthma symptoms when they suffer from hay fever. Hay fever tends to affect a person when the immune system mistakes a harmless airborne substance as a threat and when this happens; the body produces an antibody known as immunoglobulin E to attack it. It then releases chemical histamine which is the cause of the symptoms.

Seasonal hay fever may trigger off during certain months of the year which include pollen and spores that can cause the symptoms which include: tree pollen and tend to affect people during spring season, grass pollen, tends to affect a person later on in the spring as well as in summer, while weed pollen are more common during autumn time. When the weather is warm, fungi and mold spores are the more common triggers.

Avoid Substances Causing Reaction 

The best treatment for hay fever is to avoid the substances which may cause a reaction and though this is not always possible, additional treatment together with strategies to prevent exposure may be needed. For hay fever which is not severe, over the counter medications are available to ease the symptoms while in severe cases, one may need a prescribed medication.

Several patients tend to get much relief from a combination of allergy medication that could be tried in finding out which works best for the person.There are certain medications which are approved for children while others are only for adults. It is essential to make a note of these instructions at the time of over the counter purchases to avoid any other form of complications.

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