
Monday 22 August 2016

Viruses 'More Dangerous in the Morning’

Morning sickness 

Studies conducted in University of Cambridge suggest that Viruses could be more hazardous when they come in contact with their victims in the morning. As published in PNAS, the findings showed that these viruses could be more successful up to 10 times if the infection began in the morning.

Tests with animals showed that an interrupted body clock which can be caused due to being jet lagged or working in shifts can always be prone to the infection. Scientists believe that these findings could lead to ways of ending pandemics. Unlike parasites and bacteria, viruses completely depend on taking over the mechanism inside the cells so as to replicate. However, these cells change vividly as a portion of a 24 hour cycle termed as the body clock.


For the study, mice were either exposed to influenza or herpes virus, which caused flue or a range of diseases including cold sores respectively. The viral intensities of those that were infected in the morning were 10 times more than those that were infected in the evening. After continuously trying to hijack the cells, the late viruses efforts were waning after all the labourers had gone home.

One of the researchers, Professor Akhilesh Reddy, spoke with BBC news website stating that there is a big difference. If the virus does not get all the mechanisms readily available, it may not get off the ground ever. Even a small amount of infection in the morning could propagate faster and take control of the body. He is certain that the results can help control an epidemic of diseases.

In a condition where a disease is prevailing over a country, staying indoors during the day could be important and save people from being infected. Further studies showed that the animal’s body clock being disrupted intended that they were being trapped in to a state that allowed the viruses to grow and spread. The first author, Dr Rachel Edgar said that this is an indication that people who work in shifts, that is, working during some nights and rest for some nights have a disturbed body clock, are susceptible to be infected to viral diseases.

Then they could be major applicants for receiving the yearly flu vaccinations. Only two types of viruses were used for the study. Yet the two very different one being a DNA virus while the other an RNA virus. Which directs the researchers to believe the morning threat may be a wide range principle that spreads across a large number of viruses.

The study was focused on a particular clock gene, Bmal1, which has its topmost activity in the noon in both, people and mice. Professor Reddy added that it is the link with this gene that is vital, since it is low early in the morning one could be liable to the infection. Interestingly, during the winter Bmal1 is less active, indicating that it may have a hand in the larger risk of infections at that particular time in the year.

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