
Monday 27 March 2017

Premature Babies’ Brains Respond Differently To Gentle Touching

The greatest pleasure and happiness in this world that a woman gets is when she gives birth to a baby. Well, that bliss can be understood and felt by the mother only. But often the woman has to undergo many pains and sufferings for giving birth to a baby. Well, the report states that premature babies’ brain respond differently to gently touching. This has been revealed after a lot of study and experiments. The babies that are born before the normal gestation period that is almost close to 40 weeks show different responses ranging from the sensory movements to emotions.


Well, the babies which are within 36 weeks and do not stay for 40 weeks in the uterus of the mother show different signs of response. However this gets reduced with the regular skin contact with the mother and also the amount of time it spends in the hospital where the staffs take the utmost care of the baby. They have to bear the brunt of getting pre delivered. Often they have to put under ventilation and also some undergo operations which are pretty painful. They experience some greater force of gravity on their tissues and muscles. Well, it has been found that such painful experiences in the early age can affect in the development phase. This would create a difference between a normal baby and pre matured babies’ brain.


The pre matured babies’ brain would have some long term alterations. A light touch is quite different than that the baby suffers due to a pain. A recent test was conducted with the two types of babies by putting electrodes on their body and it was found that pre matured babies’ brain have a different response with that to the babies who were born after the normal gestation period. It takes time for the receptors to get activated in the pre matured babies. Normally the touch and hearing sense organs get activated in the babies. The processing of the brain is a bit slow in the pre matured babies.


The babies who have spent more time with the mothers responded differently to the ones who have to spend time in the ICU. Well, it is still unclear whether the pattern of responses in pre matured or the normal babies are become same in the later stages of life. If the touch and hearing response develop some problem, then it is a matter of great concern. It is the exposure to the gentle touch that ultimately matters in the response of the brain of the pre matured babies. Nothing has been confirmed yet of what causes these unusual responses. However, the experiments are going on. It is normally recommended that the mothers should be aware that the skin –to-skin touch with the babies will have a great impact in the positive manner. So, the more frequent touch is with the baby, the better the pre matured babies’ brain would respond to the environment and other feelings.

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