
Friday 28 April 2017

High Quality Early Childhood Education has Significant Benefits

Early Childhood
Modern daycare is characterized by process and quality orientation. In doing so, the contracts of education, education and care for each child must be guaranteed. Children's educational biographies are based on the findings of brain research in the first seven years of life. This is where the children's day-care centre comes to the fore as a preparation for school-based learning.

First, the present milieu deals with the conceptual explanation of relevant terms in the context of the elementary area. In the further course, the historical background of childcare will be discussed. The second part is devoted to the educational task of the kindergarten in the context of the latest findings of pedagogy and neurosciences. In the following, the question about the meaning and the effect of secure binding relationships for children with disabilities is presented and the findings of crib research are presented in relation to the theory of attachment. The postmodern perspective of seeing children as actively participating in their development becomes apparent in the context of the transition model. Research findings from the UK's Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) study provide initial answers to the question of early childhood education, care and support.

The Elementary

According to Aden-Grossmann, the elementary area comprises all family-oriented pre-primary education, educational and care facilities, according to the kindergarten and comparable forms of child day care, from the age of three to the beginning of the school. It forms the lowest level of education and is characterized by an independent concept of education (elementary pedagogics). Thus, the various forms of child day care are recognized as educational institutions, but they are not fully integrated into the education system, but rather form a preliminary stage and remain associated with youth welfare.

Early childhood

The life cycle from birth to school is called early childhood. These are divided into the first six years of age (age 1), the infant (age 2 and 3) and the nursery or preschooler (age 4 to 6). Contrary to previous opinions, the knowledge that children from birth are independent subjects with specific competencies has become more and more popular today with the increasing cooperation between different disciplines (including neurobiology, pediatrics, child psychiatry and infant education). The paradigm shift in the everyday and scientific understanding is particularly noteworthy when, since the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of a "competent infant" has been developed, which is ready for learning and interacting immediately after birth. Thus neither passively nor alone to his instincts - a dominant view so far.

Until the beginning of the 21st century, further changes in the perspective of the early childhood complex have been made. In the field of early child hood education, the child has long been the focus of education and care. A trend is today's view that children in the first years of life are "people in a sensitive development phase” which is characterized by "extremely high learning ability". They need the protection of adults as well as adequate support, which encourages and accompanies them in their researcher urge. In this context, education is understood in a comprehensive sense, related to the emotional, cognitive and social development of the child.

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