Stanford Scientists Seek to Speak the Brain’s Language to Heal Its Disease - Dream Health

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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Stanford Scientists Seek to Speak the Brain’s Language to Heal Its Disease

A recently conducted research by a flock of scientists, associated with the Stanford University, found that the interface of the Human brain mechanism can treat the neurological troubles as well as bring a change in the ways paralytic patient communicates with the world. The chances to incorporate improvements in the functions of similar devices depend on the efficiency of translating the brain’s language. Thus, the Brain Computer Interface project has triggered interest among the experts from round the globe.

Listening to the brain’s Language

The aspiration of the scientists to establish a correlation between the human brain and the machines started with the onset of 1970’s, with Jacques Vidal embarked on a project that coined the name, Brain Computer Interface project. As his research paper narrates, it includes an EEG mechanism that records electrical signals, originating from the brain and a plethora of computers, processing the information and subsequently, translating the information into a set of action, like playing the video games. Vidal held the notion that in the long run, the interface of brain-machine would control the external mechanism, like the spaceships.

Though, there are lots of actions that can be taken in this regard, experts are of the opinion that there is every reason to reach some significant achievements in the forthcoming time. For instance, this mechanism involved in the Brain Computer Interface project can be employed in treating strokes and epilepsy as well as medical conditions, wherein the human brain starts speaking a language that scientist are yet to get familiar with.

Comprehending the wrong signs

If the interface of brain-machine can comprehend the language that the human brain is trying to speak as well as use such information for moving a cursor on the computer screen, while others can get to hear what the brain is actually trying to speak. This will enable people to comprehend if the human brain is projecting wrong signals.

Neuropace, an identical interface of brain-machine, features similar scope of actions. This mechanism, which is developed by the scientists from the Stanford University, utilizes electrodes that have been implanted under the human brain’s surface. It reads the pattern of the activity of the brain as it happens just before the onset of the epileptic seizures and subsequently, when the mechanism comprehends such patterns, it will stimulate the human brain with pleasant electrical pulses.

Though the Brain Computer Interface project tasted success, a few problems were noted in the method. Just like the 1st generation cardiac pacemakers, these brain stimulators always stay on. Even if the consequences are coming less dire, those pacemakers often trigger more arrhythmias than what it can actually treat.

Experts are reviewing this effort by the Stanford Scientists on very high notes and in their opinion, the efforts of these flocks will pave the ways for more intensive and extensive works in this regard, in the days to come. Should the Brain Computer Interface project taste success, healthcare providers will be able to offer better treatment to the patients, thus, bringing collective advancement in the standard of healthcare services, in the forthcoming days.

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